How TO Easily Remove Pet Stains

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4 Do-it-Yourself Pet Stain Removal Steps

Right click and save to your computer1.  Do it NOW. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to remove.   It isn’t always convenient to clean up a pet stain, but the problem will be greatly reduced the quicker you act.  The stain could be permanent in just a few hours, especially with light colored carpet and rugs.

2.  Use the right equipment. Use a small, hand-held carpet spotting machine or wet vacuum to extract urine, vomit, or feces.  If you find the stain while still damp, you MUST extract the liquid BEFORE rinsing or using spot remover.  Popular brands to look for are Bissel, Little Devil, and Little Green Machine.  For wet vacuums, go to any hardware department and ask for wet vacs or shop vacs.

3.  Use the right cleaning agent AFTER the liquid has been removed. Use a low residue spot remover if the stain is fresh or an enzyme spot remover if the stain has been in the fiber for more than a few hours.  Call us and ask about two really good products we have available.  Never use bleach.  If you are using an enzyme, allow it to sit for at least 20 minutes or according to the label. An enzyme actually digests the bacteria associated with the odor in urine and works well for spots that have been in the carpet for more than a few hours.

4.  Rinse the spot with plain water and extract the water with your wet vacuum or carpet-spotting machine. This can be done by rinsing with water from your spot removal machine or simply pouring a glass of water on the area and extracting with your wet vacuum.
Then, call a professional for complete odor and stain removal!

Call US Right Now at 413-532-3990

See for more about pet stain removal.

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