Carpet Cleaning / 43 posts found

Vacuum Vacuum Vacuum

One of the most important things you can do fro your carpet is to vacuum vacuum vacuum,did you know a square foot of carpet can hide over a pound of dirt before you can see it? Once easy tip for vacuuming is to vacuum you carpet by the amount of people in the home, if you have two people in the home vacuum 2X a week have four people in the home vacuum 4X a week and so on. Slow steady back strokes work best, after going north to south go east to west, while this technique may take longer […]

Beware Of UnReputable Companies

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It happens more then we care to think, you hire a company to do a job only to find out too late they are not who they say they are. Here is a tip from the BBB So how do you protect yourself? The BBB says ask for references. If you get a quote over the phone and it doesn’t match the price they want to charge you when they show up at your house, find out why and get it resolved before they do any work.And, ask if the company does background checks on its employees before you let […]

A Familiar Wintertime Story

Your sitting on the sofa , you hear a commotion coming from another room. Thinking nothing of as the children have playmates over you smile and thing this is great they are keeping each other amused. Soon everything gets quite. As any parent know this is the time to worry, no noise more often then not means trouble as struck.  Everything of OK out there you yell down the hall?   Everything is fine  followed by some laughter comes down the hall back at you . It is this point you know it is best to get up and see […]