“After my Carpet was cleaned, it just seemed to get dirty again really fast”? This is true if your carpet was cleaned with too much detergent or the wrong detergent.
Another common problem is getting your carpet cleaned with the wrong method of cleaning. Carpet manufacturers recommend that carpet be cleaned with truck mounted hot water extraction (aka steam cleaning) whenever possible. Many dry cleaning methods don’t rinse carpet and can cause residue problems later down the road.
So why else does carpet get dirty?
Every time you walk inside, your shoes track in everything you’ve walked on. Oil from the driveway, fertilizer from the lawn, pollen in the grass, and everything you step upon gets tracked in on your carpet. Furthermore, every time you cook in your kitchen, oils get airborne that eventually land in your carpet. If your house is anything like mine, drinks and food sometimes gets spilled causing grease and worse…a bacteria hazard. Gravity pulls all of this down to your carpet.
So as you can see, even if your carpet “looks” clean, it may not be clean. Regular, professional cleaning is necessary to keep your carpet looking its best and lasting the longest. And perhaps most important, regular cleaning promotes a healthier home.