Get a Head Start On Your Spring Cleaning

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Keeping the house tidy is a primary concern for many of us. This is why keeping the carpet clean is so important in any household. Having clean carpet
should be a homeowner’s goal because it’s important for their family’s health.
Here are some simple strategies any homeowner can try to keep their carpet clean.
· Try home-made remedies
Common household items can be used for regular cleanings. Examples include solutions made with vinegar and water
or lemon juice with water for removing stains. Baking soda can be used to remove odors. Sprinkle a thin layer on
your carpet and leave it for about ten minutes, then use a vacuum to extract.

Removing lint/hair from carpet
One of the most challenging tasks in carpet cleaning is keeping hair, fur, or any other fluffy substance off the carpet.
There are a number of tools you can buy from a store to help solve this dilemma.
A simple solution involves using some scotch tape. Gently press the tape onto the carpet to pick up unwanted lint and hair. There is also a product called furemover broom. Scrub the carpet and watch the fur fly.
Hebert’s Now Carries
Hair Removal Brooms  for your convenience.
 Tough stains can be eliminated
There area a variety of products that are geared for this exact task. Traditional and green solutions are available in nearly every store. Just remember to
read the instructions before using any particular product.Carpet cleaning isn’t complicated. It just requires some effort and patience. If the
procedures for maintaining your carpet and home are executed with care and attention, there should be no problems with keeping a clean household.  


“After my Carpet was cleaned, it just seemed to get dirty again really fast”? This is true if your carpet was cleaned with too much detergent or the wrong detergent.

Another common problem is getting your carpet cleaned with the wrong method of cleaning. Carpet manufacturers recommend that carpet be cleaned with truck mounted hot water extraction (aka steam cleaning) whenever possible. Many dry cleaning methods don’t rinse carpet and can cause residue problems later down the road.

So why else does carpet get dirty?

Every time you walk inside, your shoes track in everything you’ve walked on. Oil from the driveway, fertilizer from the lawn, pollen in the grass, and everything you step upon gets tracked in on your carpet. Furthermore, every time you cook in your kitchen, oils get airborne that eventually land in your carpet. If your house is anything like mine, drinks and food sometimes gets spilled causing grease and worse…a bacteria hazard. Gravity pulls all of this down to your carpet.
So as you can see, even if your carpet “looks” clean, it may not be clean. Regular, professional cleaning is necessary to keep your carpet looking its best and lasting the longest. And perhaps most important, regular cleaning promotes a healthier home.
You’ll get the cleanest carpet possible with a system that leaves the least residue for a healthy, clean carpet. 
 Call today for a FREE estimate.
Get FREE Cleaning or FREE Money

Your friends and family are thinking of Spring Cleaning too. When you refer them, you get 10% of their total cleaning to use for future cleanings or cash.
Give your friends this newsletter or call us and we’ll send them a FREE copy of this newsletter so they can take advantage of the special offers below.
Book EARLY for your spring  cleaning! We always get a rush of clients calling for their spring cleaning. So please call 1week before you want cleaning if possible.

FREE Chair/Recliner Cleaning

Book ANY cleaning in your home or office and get any chair or recliner cleaned FREE. This is up to a $55 value. 

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You must present this coupon at the time of cleaning and call before
April 15th, 2015.

Call 413-532-3990 now.


50% OFF Grout Sealing 

Book ANY cleaning in your home or office and get 50% off Grout sealing when you have your tile and grout cleaned
FREE. We will give you a FREE Bottle of Tile Cleaner to maintain your floor

You must present this coupon at the time of cleaning and call before 
April 15th, 2015.

Call 413-532-3990 now.


FREE FUR Removal Brush 
Have Pets?
Need Help  keeping up with  fur or hair removal on your floors upholstery 
and carpets ?  We want to help , with every job booked before March 30th I will give you 
A FUR Removal Brush
Removing Red Wine From Carpet

Time is of the essence. Your best bet is to try removing it while the spill is still fresh.

The first thing you should do is pour white wine on the stain. White wine has properties that neutralize the chemicals found in the red wine. While it will not make the stain disappear, white wine makes it easier for the stain to be removed. Other products that work to prevent the stain from getting further into the fibers include salt and club soda.

Once you have applied any of these, blot the spot with a clean and absorbent towel. Make sure that you are blotting and not rubbing.

Next, mix a teaspoon of mild detergent with one cup of hydrogen peroxide.
Dip a sponge in the mixture and blot the area. Keep on doing this until the
stain disappears. When this step is complete you need to pour a small
amount of warm water on the spot and once again, blot it with a clean,
dry towel.

You Can Always Call Your Friendly Carpet Care Professional They Will Be Happy Help
EMERGENCY HOT LINE (413-530-7877 )
WARNING: Special offers expire April 15th, 2016


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