Why Do Companies Wait To Maintain Their Carpeting ?
It’s the Middle Of Winter Are You Kidding ME
The typical response many facilities managers, property management, or contact person in commercial environment might say when approached about doing winter cleanings for their carpets.
Would you like the know the season that does the most damage to carpet and floor ? That’s right it is WINTER Time! Dirt, sand, salt, snowy goo, debris from the fall all get tracked in to your building. While we all do our best to keep things contained, extra walk off matts both in side and out, possibly extra vacuuming in high traffic areas, you can only ignore imbedded material in you carpet for so long before you will cause irreparable damage to your carpet.
The money spent today can extend the life of the carpet by years, it is like the old Midas Muffler commercial “You can pay me now of pay me later” Paying later could mean carpet replacement early, now we have the problem of not only the cost of replacement, but the cost of downtime for the area being replaced, furniture removal, and off gassing odors also well.
In house cleaning staff, out side contractor, a combination of both, you may even do the cleaning yourself, for the sake of you and your carpets health get your carpet cleaning once during this cold an messy season.
Besides Clean Carpet looks and smells so good and improves work productivity.
Back to the original question
Why Do Companies Wait To Maintain Their Carpeting ?
The answer is quite simple, We are wasting our money, it is only going to get dirty again and fairly quick, It Can Wait Till Spring.
When it is time to replace carpet the cost for the carpet alone can be any where from 3 to 100 dollars a sq ft, if you install padding round 20 to 30 dollars a sq yard, and in disposal of the old carpet, furniture removal, possible repairs, you have a pretty good size bill.
Now is it would paying pennies a sq ft to clean your carpet now to put off replacing later ?
Do You need advice on how to maintain your carpets and floors? Have an flooring emergency and do not know where to turn?
I would love to here from you
I can be reached at 413-532-3990.